sobota, 25 kwietnia 2015


                                                  Facts About Bill Kaulitz

                   Ok this my second Post About the boys and its gonna Facts About Bill Kaulitz
                     And P.S. these are basic facts so most of you will know  them.

1.) NAME: Bill
2.) SURNAME: Kaulitz
3.) BIRTH DATE: 1.09.1989 (25 Now)
4.) NICKNAME: The name Bill is so short he says he doesn't need a nickname ( even though Tom says he will call him little mouse Lol)
5.) WEIGHT: Our Bill is so light he only weigh's somewhere round 50kg
6.) HEIGHT: 1.88m = 188cm
7.)  FAVOURITE FOOD & DRINK:  Food would be fast food like pizza and in McDonalds he gets a Big Mac 6 Chicken nuggets (Even though he claimed he is a vegeterian and doesn't eat meat) and a vanilla milkshake. His favourite drinks are RED BULL , Coca-Cola, Cofee and tea (for his voice)
and his favourite alcoholic drink is liquier Dooleys.
8.) BILL'S MOTTO IS: Leb die sekunde (live every second) 
9.) FAVOURITE SONG ON ZIMMER 483 (ROOM 483) : ''Totgeliebt,,
10.) FAVOURITE COLOUR: Our Bill could never pick one but if he had to it would be black.
11.) FAVOURITE PERFUMES: He only uses deodorant AXE.
12.) BILL HATES: Broccoli and Choclate
13.) BILL IS ALLERGIC TO: Apples and Mosquito Bites.
                                             And This is a picture of him and his brother
 ~~~Alien Small

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